I have fond childhood memories of my beautiful mother singing a delightful melody while stirring around the kitchen. I can still recall the lyrics "...to wake up in the morning when the mocking birds sing... Tra la la.. "
Where do I begin? A northern mocking bird recently took up residence out side my bedroom window. For the first few weeks I was very impressed with the vocal capabilities of my new feathered friend. I bragged to my friends about the range of calls it was capable of. However just like everything else too much of a good thing soon becomes an irritation. This is a mocking bird from hell. It's none stop bird calls and numerous imitations of urban sounds (e.g.) various car alarms. It is beginning to take its toll on me. I have not had a good nights sleep for quite some time now. The only reason I know that I am been haunted by a "Mocking Bird From Hell" is by typing the following words "most annoying bird" in Googles' search engine and their it is the northern mocking bird complete with video and an impressive catalogue of songs.
One of my favourite books when I was a young man is "TO KILL A MOCKING BIRD" why does the full capped helvetica text seem to burn through space and time filling my mind with bird violence..
I through that I would throw my situation into the court of public opinion via face-book. WOW! lets just summarize all the face-book feed back with this statement. "We have a lot of people living in other realities without the dependant need of chemicals to get them there.
My Sister, of all people, told me that this bird chose me for a reason.
"YEAH RIGHT!" she also continued with "You should listen to what it's trying to tell you." sounds like my baby sister has joined the Zen Nuts. However the trip to the court of public opinion revealed one most interesting fact. "I am not alone" many other people are having similar issues. An old friend joined the comment thread and related that a rather loud robin in his words "persistently loud-voiced Robin" moved into his garden. This comment rang a loud bell "THE DAWN CHORUS" that's why some birds start in the early morning but my mocking bird tortured me all night. This lead me on a quest to find a solution other than mocking bird pot pie. The first fact I learned is mocking birds have a very complex call pattern triggered by the phenomenon of "breaking dawn chorus" . it seems all birds are wired to respond to the morning light when dawn breaks, however the mocking bird is more sensitive to the dawn chorus phenomenon than other birds. As a matter of fact very bright moon light can set them off singing all night. This explains everything because my little feathered demon bird sits on top the very bright security light out side my window and sings his heart out all night .
So my baby sister was right after all . The bird was simply swearing at me all this time "Turn the @@887%4 lights off ."
He wanted to sleep cause the light was on .. I wanted to sleep but but Mr. Bird was too loud. Now we both sleep until the next full moon. Their must be more too this Zen Hokaspoas than meets the eye. Learning to listen to a bird sounds nuts but my baby sister was right. Just my opinion for what its worth.
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