Lets get this terminology and nomenclature straight. It's not an "oil spill" it's a "live ongoing gushing catastrophe".
I have also heard the term "The worst U.S. natural disaster ...... " please correct this perspective too "The mother of all man made disasters with catastrophic dooms day implications."
Their is nothing "natural" about this ongoing disastrous timeline.
If this description seem a bit exaggerated think again. So far the comedy of errors unfolding in the Gulf does not inspire conference in what we are capable of as a technological space bound humanity.
SCUBA is my passion and if anyone of you reading this have ever SCUBA dived in the Gulf of Mexico then you have a tangible understanding of what a treasure we have just lost. Let it be known that grandiose terms like "cleaning up the oil spill" from our beaches demonstrate how naive humanity have become.
Our great grand children will be living with the consequences of egotistical, half baked, cost saving ideas which allegedly lead us this hell. Greed, arrogance and dishonesty what a lethal combination.
The economic "bail-out" fiasco last year taught us that greedy and dishonest people destroyed the economic future of many small businesses while shredding hard earned pensions, and almost wrecked our modern way of life. I wonder, after the finger pointing is all done, what will we learn about this hellish brew spewing in the Gulf of Mexico.
Lets see; more "greed and dishonesty" also remember Toyota? deny dent deny while people die die die.
Not Again!
How many of us understand or even care that many marine spices from the Caribbean and Europe travel too the Gulf of Mexico to mate and renew life. What will the long term impact be on the food chain? What about the stuff we can't see? for example the millions of gallons of oil dispersants. I see folks on TV vacationing in the Gulf coastal region allowing their children too swim in the toxic waters oblivious to the hash chemicals been employed as dispersants. They seem more concerned about the oil slick and tar balls than the unseen dangers. The local tourist political spins "NO OIL ON OUR BEACHES" to mitigate revenue lost. "Come on down the beaches are fine.. just keep your mouth closed while you splash about in the water. "god can you believe this!"
I still remember the slogan "duck and cover" in the event of a nuclear attack.
Only time will tell. Just my opinion for what ever its worth.
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