I find the hamburger too be the best meal deal. Every city or town in almost every restaurant, fast food joint, or cafe they are proud of their rendition of it. This is why my wife and I make it a point of rating the best burgers found on any of our trips.
I am not implying that you must eat hamburgers all day and every day, but they are a solid choice that can sustain you for hours while walking around any busy city especially Las Vegas.
The best cheese hamburger found on this Las Vegas trip is the "Mushroom Gruyere" at the MGM Grand Hotel at the Studio Cafe it ranks at the top of all burgers found and tried. The rating system my wife and I apply is affectionally known as the "HMJZ scale". It is a simple 5 star system for each category.
Judging works as follows:
The Mushroom Gruyere
Studio Cafe Las Vegas Nevada USA
(1) Ambience of the restaurant. *****
(2) The first impression appearance, ****
(3) The construction, and manageability. ***
(4) Flavours. *****
(5) Satisfaction sustained too the last bite. *****
Total stars 22
"Gruyere" is a fantastic choice in cheese to support the sweet earthy tones of the mushrooms. This rendition requires no additional condiments just tuck in to it as served The fries are the best ever found anywhere to date.
and stay crispy long after they are served. However may I suggest that you loose the chopped iceberg lettuce replace it with a full dressed leaf at your price point I believe its a must. "This will enhance flavour base."
Warm regards
From Harry and Jolanta burger lovers.
We are always searching of the best burger and I must say I was not disappointed. You recovered nicely. So far you guys have it. 22 stars for the MGM Studio Cafe "BEST BURGER EXPERIENCE IN ANY CITY TO DATE is the Mushroom Gruyere"